Office Hours
Research Areas
Research Interests
English language lexicography and description, rhetorical theory and practice, rhetorical genre studies, feminist historiography, queer theory, histories of the English language
- PhD, University of Washington (2012)
- MA, University of Washington (2008)
- BA, Georgetown University (2003)
Courses Taught
History of the English Language (English 403, 584), Descriptive English Grammar (English 402), Introduction to Composition Theory and Practice (English 481), Profanity, Obscenity, Vulgarity (English 396), Genre Emergence and Change (English 582), Genre Histories and Theories (English 584), Rhetoric, Gender, and Disciplinarity (English 584), Rhetoric and the Body (English 584)
Additional Campus Affiliations
Director, Center for Writing Studies, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Associate Professor, Gender and Women's Studies
Associate Professor, Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory
Highlighted Publications
Russell, L. R. (2018). Women and Dictionary Making: Gender, Genre, and English Language Lexicography. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781316941553
Recent Publications
Russell, L. R. (2021). Dictionary Boycotts and the Power of Popular (Re)Definition1. Dictionaries, 42(1), 235-247. https://doi.org/10.1353/dic.2021.0013
Russell, L. R. (2020). Dictionary, shaped: Artists' books and lexicography. Dictionaries, 41(2), 115-146. https://doi.org/10.1353/dic.2020.0025
Russell, L. R. (2019). Sharper Tools: Missionary Women's Lexicography in Asia. In S. Ogilvie, & G. Safran (Eds.), The Whole World in a Book: Dictionaries in the Nineteenth Century (pp. 255). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190913199.003.0014
Russell, L. R. (2018). Toward a feminist historiography of lexicography. Dictionaries, 39(1), 167-183. https://doi.org/10.1353/dic.2018.0008
Russell, L. R. (2018). Women and Dictionary Making: Gender, Genre, and English Language Lexicography. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781316941553