Faculty-Edited Journals

  • Recent Americanist scholarship has generated some of the most forceful responses to questions about literary history and theory. Yet too many of the most provocative essays have been scattered among a wide variety of narrowly focused publications. Covering the study of US literature from its...
  • The International Journal of Lexicography is concerned with all aspects of lexicography, including issues of design, compilation and use, and with dictionaries of all languages, though the chief focus is on dictionaries of the major European...
  • Configurations explores the relations of literature and the arts to the sciences and technology. Founded in 1993, the journal continues to set the stage for transdisciplinary research concerning the interplay between science, technology, and the arts. Configurations is the...
  • Ninth Letter is the University of Illinois’ award winning literary arts journal, edited by faculty and students in the Creative Writing Program. Published in print twice a year since its premiere in the spring of 2004, Ninth Letter also...
  • The Eighteenth Century publishes timely reviews covering all aspects of Long-Eighteenth-Century culture including literature, history, fine arts, science, history of ideas, and popular culture.  Their website posts online-only review supplements once...
  • JEGP focuses on Northern European literatures of the Middle Ages, covering Medieval English, Germanic, and Celtic Studies. The word "medieval" potentially encompasses the earliest Germanic and Celtic texts; the vernacular and Latin literatures of the Middle Ages in Britain, Ireland,...