Daniel Tracy (PhD, 2008) produces Digital Scholarly Edition of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes


Graduate alumnus Daniel Tracy (PhD, 2008) has produced a digital scholarly edition of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, which is now available as a beta version. The edition is the pilot project for a new series of digital scholarly editions Tracy will oversee at the Illinois Open Publishing Network (IOPN), an open access digital publishing service he runs as an Associate Professor at the University Library.

Produced with the help of Tracy’s research assistant, Dani Palatin, a current English graduate student, the beta version of Gentlemen Prefers Blondes includes the reading text (with annotations for cultural references), an account of variants of the text, a co-authored section on mapping locations in the novel, and a draft editorial introduction, with further editorial content forthcoming in the final version, set to be published next year.