Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society students present at international convention


In March, the local Alpha Upsilon Pi chapter of the Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society presented at the virtual Sigma Tau Delta International Convention.

The theme for the convention was “Metamorphosis,” and while the Covid-19 pandemic caused it to be hosted entirely online, members Elizabeth Sayasane, Natalie Hartl, Abby Masucol, Sydney Wright, and Natalie Sarris were still eager to participate. They brainstormed to come up with the presentation entitled “Written on the Body: Horror Perverts Female Change.” Their roundtable focused on horror books and movies with female leads. Horror tropes often warp the female body into something to be afraid of; bleeding, growing, grotesque things. This undoubtedly contributes to the fears society holds around discussing - and controlling - female bodies.

On March 10th, the members showed a 30-minute presentation and held questions for the remaining half-hour of their panel. The panel had a remarkably high number of attendees, with plenty of interesting questions raised and discussions held.