Ryan Ware came to the Center for Writing Studies with an MA in composition/pedagogy from the University of Maine. As of Fall 2021, Ryan is a seventh year doctoral candidate in writing studies—on the job market. Ryan specializes in cultural-historical work on writing and language broadly, and Ryan's research takes a dialogic semiotic approach to literate activity and becoming. Ryan's principal research project, a dissertation tentatively titled “Dialogic Tracing of Literate Activity and Lifespan Trajectories of Semiotic (Un)becoming” follows current-and-former religious practitioners—priests, pastors, imams, nuns, rabbis, etc.—who have lost/abandoned their faith, and have left their roles in clergy, or are operating secretively in clergy roles as non-believers. Ryan traces the ways these individuals facilitated unbecoming religious with writing and semiotic activity. Ryan also has an active research life in writing-across-the-curriculum and writing pedagogy, broadly, so stay tuned for pending publications from both the dissertation and WAC-related work.